AQAQ is not a throw away fashion company, our pieces are made in a premium way designed to last a lifetime.
Each AQAQ design idea starts as a pencil-on-paper drawing by our Creative Director Caroline. She is constantly thinking, evolving and working out new design ideas for the brand. Caroline works closely with Julie and between them are always bouncing ideas back and forth.
Once a final fashion illustration has been signed off, Caroline and Julie work with their long term collaborator, expert pattern cutter and designer James Steward to turn their design into a real-life sample. At this stage, they start to source the materials and make a 2D drawing into a 3D wearable piece.
James has a huge history with AQAQ, originally opening the first store with Julie 23 years ago and has worked as a couture fashion designer since. James trained in Italy and has over 25 years in the fashion industry.
Once the sample is made and both Caroline and Julie have danced around the studio in it, it's sent to one of our European factories who make our production sample.
Our manufacturers are registered with SEDEX - The world's largest data platform for supply chain assessment to report on sustainability practices.
First and foremost, We only work with manufacturers who adhere to our brand pillars regarding:
Non Discrimination
Fair Remuneration
Decent Working Hours
Occupational Health and Safety
Non Child Labour
Special Protection for Young Workers
Non Precarious Employment
Non Bonded Labour
Protection of the Environment
Ethical Business Behaviour
Once the team receive the sample back from the manufacturer they continue to tweak and perfect the style with our garment technician until perfect and ready for production.
All AQAQ packaging is 100% recyclable and bio degradable.
Shipping is handled globally by DHL GoGreen Climate Neutral Services. Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions generated by transportation and logistics through worldwide, registered climate protection projects.